
Monday, December 26, 2016

Women in Early Hollywood

For those who pursue and performing career, Hollywood, from television shows to motion pictures, shooters unbounded opportunities. During the 1920s, opportunities for nigrify actors and actresses to appear on the big screen were a privilege. However, there were challenges and limitations. These men and women were granted degrading roles that were depictions of how exsanguinouss perceived dimmeds and the steering in which white fool awaymakers wished to describe black life on the big screen. African Americans were not given respectable roles in these movie theatres. Despite their celebrity and their causa to break the color breastwork in Hollywood, they were still considered assist class citizens.\nAfrican-Americans were slowly tho surely going to limiting the makeup of white Hollywood they were going to break barriers and uprise firm into their demands of being prise as equals in the white mans world. As first as 1928, African American men and women were low-paid ac tors and actresses who were relegated to roles such(prenominal) as servants, sambo, and uneducated-men and women. White Hollywood was amazed at how black actors and actresses appealed to white audiences. White filmmakers capitalized off black entertainers, considering them a necessity for the financial victor of the film industry. Black women, in particular, were subservient in the growing success of white filmmakers in the 1920s. During this period, Evelyn Preer was a pioneer in Hollywood. She was the early black actress to appear in motion pictures. Preer faced numerous challenges that her successors would also confront during their various(prenominal) film careers. While black actresses had to submit to playing stereotypical black female characters during the early history of Hollywood cinema, they did so with dignity but persisted in their demands of white filmmakers to provide sightly work environments and to portray them in more respectable roles.\nDuring its infancy, t he film industry did not cast...

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