Th? Or?g?n of th? fix of Art H??d?gg?r ?rst turn?d to ?xt?nd?d th?nk?ng ? ordinary ?rt ?n th? m?d-1930s. In clos? prox?m?ty to ??ch oth?r h? produc?d th? l?ctur?s on Höld?rl?ns G?rm?n?? ?nd Th? Rh?n? (GA 39) of 19345, th? Introduct?on to M?t?phys?cs (IM) of 1935, ?n wh?ch ?rt r?c??v?s cons?d?r?bl? ?tt?nt?on, Höld?rl?n ?nd th? Ess?nc? of Po?try (HE) of ??rly 1936, th? ?n?l v?rs?ons of Th? Or?g?n of th? take a shit of Art of l?t? 1936, ?nd Th? W?ll to Pow?r ?s Art (N I) of 19367. Of ?ll th?s? moves, Th? Or?g?n of th? officiate of Art (h?r??ft?r Th? Or?g?n) h?s r?c??v?d by f?r th? gr??t?st ?mount of ?tt?nt?on, ?n ?tt?nt?on wh?ch c?n solely b? d?scr?b?d ?s obs?ss?v?. (Its r?v?r?? on V?n Goghs p??nt?ng of sho?s ? t?st?m?nt to H??d?gg?rs ??rly lov? of V?n Gogh but ?lmost compl?t?ly ?rr?l?v?nt to, ?nd??d, ?s w? sh?ll s??, ?ncons?st?nt w?th, th? r??l throw of th? ?ss?y h?s g?v?n r?s? to ? b?roqu? fol??g? of s?cond?ry l?t?r?tur? th?t h?s h?d progr?ss?v?ly l?ss ?nd l?ss to do w?th H??d?gg?r.) D?scuss?ons of H??d?gg?rs ph?losophy of ?rt usu?lly con?n? th?ms?lv?s to th?s score, t?k?ng ?t to b? th? well(p) ?nd ?n?l st?t?m?nt of th?t ph?losophy. Th?s, ?s ?lr??dy ?nt?m?t?d, ?s for s?v?r?l r??sons ? h?ghly unfortun?t? ?ssumpt?on.
F?rst, b?c?us? th? only hop? of produc?ng ?n ?nt?ll?g?bl? r??d?ng of th?s ?n?gm?t?c travel l??s ?n ?nt?gr?t?ng ?t ?nto th? surround?ng t?xts of th? s?m? p?r?od of th?nk?ng. S?cond, b?c?us?, ?s m?nt?on?d, ?t ?s only th? b?g?nn?ng of H??d?gg?rs p?th of th?nk?ng ? engagement ?rt. And th?rd, b?c?us? ?t cont??ns breed?m?nt?l d??c??nc??s. As th? forty-two mostly sh?rply s?lf-cr?t?c?l footnot?s H??d?gg?r ?ns?st?d on ?nclud?ng ?n th? ?n?l, ?d?t?on of th? work m?k? cl??r, l?t?r H??d?gg?r w?s w?ll ?w?r? of th?s? d??c??nc??s. I sh?ll then head start b? conc?rn?d to und?rst?nd th? work ?ts?lf, ?nd th?n th? most ?mport?nt of H??d?gg?rs own cr?t?c?sms of ?t. On? of th?s? ?s of p?rt?cul?r s?gn??c?nc? s?nc? th? subs?qu?nt d?v?lopm?nt of h?s p?th ?s, I sh?ll sugg?st,...If you want to publish a full essay, revise it on our website:
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